Shell Colour:
Eggs are either brown or white. Some people think that brown eggs are healthier than white eggs, although this is a myth and there is no reason to think so. Maybe they are comparing eggs to brown and white bread! Basically, it all depends on the breed of the hen that lays the egg. Hens with white feathers and white ear lobes lay white eggs and hens with red feathers and red ear lobes lay brown eggs. There is absolutely no nutritional difference between white or brown eggs, neither one is better or healthier than the other. Brown eggs may be more expensive than white eggs only due to the fact that brown hens are larger and therefore need more food.
Yolk Colour:
There is nothing more mouth-watering than a delicious boiled or fried egg with a bright yellow shiny yolk. A paler yolk does not mean that the egg is bad or less tasty; it just means that the hen was fed a diet with paler ingredients. That is to say, bright chicken feed equals bright yellow egg yolk.
Not all hens lay eggs of the same size. The size of an egg depends on several factors, for example the breed, the weight, the age, the feed of the hen and the environment in which the hen was brought up.
Eggs are categorized as follows based on their weights
Small eggs weigh between 45 - 49g,
Medium eggs weigh between 50 - 59g,
Large eggs weigh between 60 - 69g,
Ex-large eggs weigh between 70 - 75g,
Jumbo eggs weigh between 76 - 80g,
Super jumbo eggs weigh above 81g,